How Not-To
Over the years I have come across some windows that were worked on previously by others.
In some cases it was evident that the person didn't understand double-hung window design and function. Or didn't care.
In a few cases it is obvious that the original builder/installer took some shortcuts. Yes, it happened. Even 80 years ago some people did shoddy work. Most of that shoddy work was of such poor quality that it didn't survive to the present, skewing our perception of "old school" quality work. But sometimes I find evidence that the window was handicapped from the very start.
In this section I will post videos and slide presentations that depict what I found, an analysis of the situation, and a description of how to un-do the situation.
If you recognize your windows or your handiwork, I must apologize for my sometimes snarky commentary during the process of discovery. What can I say? I'm Dutch. We don't mince words.
In some cases it was evident that the person didn't understand double-hung window design and function. Or didn't care.
In a few cases it is obvious that the original builder/installer took some shortcuts. Yes, it happened. Even 80 years ago some people did shoddy work. Most of that shoddy work was of such poor quality that it didn't survive to the present, skewing our perception of "old school" quality work. But sometimes I find evidence that the window was handicapped from the very start.
In this section I will post videos and slide presentations that depict what I found, an analysis of the situation, and a description of how to un-do the situation.
If you recognize your windows or your handiwork, I must apologize for my sometimes snarky commentary during the process of discovery. What can I say? I'm Dutch. We don't mince words.
This historic downtown Seattle, WA, office property boasts a Leadership and Environmental Design (LEED) Gold Star rating.
This rating was achieved in part due to retention of the original windows, which were modified to improve efficiency during recent renovations. Unfortunately the "improvements" were poorly executed and in many instances resulted in windows that didn't close properly and/or didn't operate properly. Double-hung Window Restoration has worked on a number of these windows, to undo the damage, and realize the original windows' full potential to be historically accurate, as efficient as possible, and long-lasting. And in some cases make un-safe windows safe again. |
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